twoguysWelcome! We are thrilled to offer you the global power of network publishing! We often teach/preach that the shortest distance is not a straight line but a close relationship. With a close relationship, there is no distance between the two identities, regardless of the location on the planet. Billion Soul Publishing harnesses powerful relationships in order to bring the finest resources to the Global Church today. We have been fortunate to publish many books through both network-publishing and traditional publishing. Without a doubt, Billion Soul Publishing brings the author and the world together from the first day his/her book is released into the marketplace. Every pastor or leader can turn their manuscript into a global book in just a matter of months! We are here to assist you and to make it harder for someone to live on the earth and to have not heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Blessings.

Until The Last Person Has Heard,
James O. Davis, Cofounder/Billion Soul
David W. Welday III, Publisher & Chief Development Officer

New Authors


New Authors, August 2014

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Dr. Phillip M. Davis Dr. Phillip M. Davis is the Senior Pastor of the Nations Ford Community Church of Charlotte, NC. In addition to establishing and growing Read More...

Book Releases

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The Forgotten Baptism

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An ancient truth revealed to a modern generation! This message is not about ceremony. It’s not about ritual. It’s about unwrapping Read More...




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Billion Soul Publishers believes that there is a book inside of every Christian leader.  Mr. David Welday III will be releasing “How To Write And Release Your Read More...